Every year we expect some constant change in web technologies and that will expect in 2019 as well. As a huge rise in web users, technology trends rapidly change and business owners will have to plan accordingly to attract customers. 60% of medium-sized business owners plan to spend money on a new and improved website in 2019. And each year, new trends and technologies shape the environment that web development companies find themselves in.
Keeping up with all of those changes is enough to discourage most companies. But that’s why you’re here. Because you refuse to be discouraged and you know the importance of preparing for the future. Since over half of business owners are planning to improve their website, it’s not unlikely that that’s the case with your own business. Keeping up with all of those changes is enough to discourage most companies. But that’s why you’re here. Because you refuse to be discouraged and you know the importance of preparing for the future. Since over half of business owners are planning to improve their website, it’s not unlikely that that’s the case with your own business.
To keep up, you need to know the web development trends and technologies that will shape 2020.
Statics of all global web pages served to mobile phones from 2009 to 2018:
As we can show in the above statistics there is huge rise in mobile phone website traffic. It has been rapidly growing year by year and that forces business owners to go with responsive web design.
In 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Mobile currently accounts for half of all global web pages served. As of February 2017, mobile accounts for 65.1 percent of all web traffic in Asia and for 59.5 percent of all web traffic in Africa.
Due to the strong growth of the smartphone market in recent years, this is no surprise, especially as mobile internet often provides a more viable online connection in regions that lack the infrastructure and money for traditional and more expensive landline connections.
If we look at it from an SEO perspective than google and most of the search engines prioritise responsive design in mobile searches that will straight impact your business popularity and it’s revenue.
As we know from the 90's the lesser design concept will impact more than the highly designed using large numbers of fonts, photos, forms, and illustrations.
But as a large number of increase in websites you need to be more unique and effective than your competitor. Illustrations will become one of the best ways to represent your website better than your business rivals in 2020.
The complete design used to be the combination of illustrations, photograph, along with minimalism and focus on the image as well as reduction of the total amount of the text. This will certainly affect user perception.
Chatbots are programs powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning.
Suppose you are looking to buy sports shoes for yourself. Now the basic step involves a Google search and then landing on a website.
In the website, first you will search for the Sports Shoes and in the filter section, you can select different options according to your requirement such as size, color, price range etc.
After going through plenty of options, you decide to go with one option. After that, there is again a set of actions that need to be performed such as checkout, billing before you can actually place the order.
Whereas in a Chatbot, all the browsing is replaced by a Q&A session.
Here is an example for better understanding of how chatbots remove the unnecessary steps.
In the second scenario if you have some item on your cart and you want to checkout but for some reason you are stuck on the website then Chatbot will automatically active and help you to find a solution to your problem.
Already, every major player like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Facebook, Amazon etc have introduced their open-source chat building tools and frameworks for developers.
The normal user doesn’t need to download any other app for this but can use Facebook Messenger, Kik, Telegram etc where they just need to search for the brand they are looking for and can start a conversation with the chatbot just like doing it with your friend.
Creating an intelligent bot from scratch requires a knowledge of AI concepts, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing so that you can easily understand and implement sentiment analysis, speech tagging, tokenization, entity recognition etc.
The chatbot revolution is already here and only time will tell how far it will go.
We are searching or browsing websites for many reasons but most of the time we browse one particular website for the same reason again and again.
When users revisit a website they need to follow every page of the website for the same type of information.
Recommendation is the most effective functionalities to solve this time consuming habit and gives the best user experience.
All you need to do is provide information in the recommendation section based on the user's previous searches. Thousands of users can navigate easily.
That will become the most effective and easy way of navigation in 2019 and prediction of user behaviour on websites.
For any business website, push notifications are a way to speak directly to a customer. They don't get caught in spam filters, or forgotten in an inbox — click-through rates can be twice as high as email. They can also remind users to use an app, whether the app is open or not.
Push notifications are fast replacing email newsletters because they’re easier to manage on both ends of the users and manufacturers. In 2020 push notifications have become critical components of most websites.
Push notifications provide convenience and value to app users. For example, users can receive:
Low-code development aims to make it easier to build applications by removing as much of the hand-coding as possible. Such initiatives become even more important as companies have to build applications to work across a wider range of devices, including smartphones.
Low code development is the future of web development and enterprise app development. For that you just need a quality and elegant developer team. That can produce quality websites with a minimal amount of coding lines.
Low code developments have been making serious waves 2019 as they’re increasingly being preferred by web development companies over the conventional development processes in 2019 as well.
Cybersecurity is a major concern for every business as we expect. Here's what to expect in cybersecurity in 2020
For more about cybersecurity please read : - https://techcrunch.com/2018/12/31/cybersecurity-predictions-2019
With the advancements happening in the world of technology, it becomes important for you to adapt to these new changes if you don’t want to get obsolete in the market.
All these technologies will help you in gaining more users, increasing engagement, and will help in better conversions.
Some of these technologies are already being implemented and some are ready to make an appearance very soon.
Talk with our Experts to have a better understanding of these emerging trends and how they can help you in being future ready.